Experience the Brilliance of a Radiant Smile with Our Exclusive Tooth Implant Options


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Dental Implants

Unmatched Tooth Implants, Promising to Refresh Your Grin

We offer value for money tooth implant solutions in Perth, intricately designed as a reliable answer to the voids left by missing teeth. Our widely acknowledged crew uses superior titanium implants to establish a firm foundation, meticulously merging the screw with your jawbone.

Employing advanced equipment and techniques, our skilled team oversees the complete tooth implant process. We offer an extensive range of dental implant options for you to explore. After stable installation, a prosthetic tooth is attached to the implant, seamlessly filling the void and imitating natural teeth.

For reliable and prompt tooth implant services, rely on our team of experienced dentists.


Envision the captivating charm of your radiant grin post the successful completion of your tooth implant procedure.

Subperiosteal Dental Implants

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The patient’s therapeutic journey commenced with an examination, leading to a unique scheme for subperiosteal dental implant treatment. This strategy is tailored for those lacking sufficient bone depth and width and who are hesitant about bone grafting.

Our implant dentist situated a custom-made metal frame onto the patient’s jawbone beneath the gum tissue. After an adequate period for healing and secure attachment of the frame to the jawbone, a replacement tooth was attached. This advanced method provided the patient with reliable artificial teeth, improving their oral health significantly and illuminating their smile.

Mini Dental Implants

Before and after
Before and after


The patient’s therapy began with a thorough assessment, culminating in a distinct protocol for mini dental implant treatment. This solution is apt for patients who need smaller implants due to a narrow bone structure or for stabilising lower jaw dentures.

Our adept implant dentist positioned tiny titanium posts into the patient’s jawbone, acting as tooth roots. Post a suitable recovery duration; the artificial tooth was anchored to the post. This method reinstated the patient’s ability to chew and speak properly, enhancing their overall oral health and conferring a brighter smile.

Immediate Load Dental Implants

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The patient’s therapeutic path started with a comprehensive analysis, resulting in a bespoke plan for immediate load dental implant therapy. This method suits those eager to replace missing teeth quickly and who have enough jawbone to support the implant.

Our skilled implant dentist affixed just four dental implants into the patient’s jawbone. After allowing a brief healing period, replacement teeth were attached to the implants. This expedited technique granted the patient a prompt restoration of their smile, positively impacting their oral health and yielding a gleaming grin.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Here we outline some of the key attributes that make someone an ideal candidate for dental implants.

Good Overall Health

A fundamental prerequisite for dental implant candidacy is good general health. This procedure, like any surgical process, requires the body to heal effectively post-operation. Therefore, having a healthy immune system is crucial to foster quick recovery and ensure successful integration of the implant.

For patients considering dental implants, it is necessary to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, regular exercise, and good sleeping habits. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or drug abuse can impair healing and increase the implant failure risk.

Adequate Bone Density

Dental implants rely heavily on the jawbone for support. The implant, which serves as an artificial tooth root, must fuse with the jawbone in a process known as osseointegration. Hence, a healthy and adequate bone density is vital to securely hold the dental implant.

However, the loss of teeth can lead to bone loss over time, affecting the bone’s ability to support an implant. In such cases, patients may need to consider bone grafts. This additional procedure helps build up the bone mass, preparing it for the implant.

Healthy Gums

Healthy gums are equally crucial for successful dental implant treatment. Gum disease or periodontal disease can cause bone loss, jeopardising the stability of dental implants.

Regular dental check-ups, along with diligent oral hygiene practises – including brushing twice a day and flossing daily – can keep gum disease at bay. These simple yet effective habits will ensure that your gums are in the best condition to support new teeth.

Additionally, patients must be prepared for multiple visits to the dental clinic throughout the process. The process could take a few months, from initial consultation through to post-procedure follow-ups.

Financial Preparedness

While dental implants may be a more costly solution upfront compared to other cosmetic procedures, their longevity makes them a cost-effective solution in the long run. As such, being financially prepared for this investment in your oral health and aesthetics is an essential consideration.

In essence, a good candidate for dental implants is someone in overall good health, with healthy gums and adequate bone density. A commitment to maintaining good oral hygiene and being financially prepared for the investment are also important.

Remember, the above characteristics are ideal attributes, but each patient is unique, and dentists can work around many of these factors. If you’re considering dental implants, don’t hesitate to consult with your dentist to discuss your options and understand if this procedure could be the key to reclaiming your smile.


The healing period following implant surgery is crucial, especially when it comes to your diet. This section will guide you through the foods and drinks you should focus on and those to avoid after dental implant surgery.

Directly After Surgery: Hydrate Yourself

In the immediate aftermath of surgery, staying hydrated is essential. Water aids in recovery by promoting healing, maintaining body temperature, and cleansing the mouth of bacteria. Avoid hot beverages, as they can stimulate bleeding and cause discomfort to the surgical site. You should also steer clear of alcohol and caffeine, which can dehydrate your body and delay healing.

First Few Days: Embrace a Soft Diet

During the first few days after surgery, your mouth will be tender and sensitive so a soft diet will be your best ally. Foods like mashed potatoes, yoghurt, scrambled eggs, pasta, and finely chopped fruits will provide the necessary nutrients without causing strain on your fresh implants.

For protein intake, lean meats like chicken or fish can be cooked until they are tender and easy to chew. Smoothies and soups (once cooled) are also great options, as they provide vitamins and minerals needed for healing without requiring much chewing.

Remember, when chewing, try to use the side of your mouth that hasn’t undergone surgery to protect the new implant from unnecessary pressure.

A Week After Surgery: Gradually Introduce Firmer Foods

As your mouth continues to recover, you can gradually start to introduce firmer foods back into your diet. Foods like cooked vegetables, rice, or tender meats can be eaten a week or so post-surgery. However, it’s crucial to pay attention to your body and proceed at a pace that is comfortable for you. If you encounter any discomfort while eating, revert back to softer foods for a while longer.

What to Avoid: Hard and Sticky Foods

Certain foods should be avoided during the recovery period. Hard foods like nuts, chips, and hard candies can put too much pressure on your new implant, potentially causing damage. Similarly, sticky foods such as caramel or chewy candies can tug at the implant, disturbing the healing process.

Alcohol and Smoking: A Big No-No

As mentioned, alcohol can delay the healing process, and it should be avoided during the initial recovery period. Similarly, smoking and the use of tobacco products can hinder healing and lead to complications. Both habits can interfere with the successful integration of the implant into the jawbone, so it’s best to steer clear until healing is complete.

A Balanced Approach

After dental implant surgery, a balanced approach to your diet that prioritises hydration and nutritious, soft foods can significantly support your healing process. Gradually reintroducing firmer foods while avoiding those that are hard, sticky, or may inhibit healing, ensures the well-being of your implant. Always remember that every patient’s healing process is different. Listen to your body and consult with your dental professional if you have any concerns or questions. The journey towards restoring your smile with dental implants may require some dietary adjustments, but the resulting healthy and radiant smile will make it all worth it.

In the world of cosmetic dentistry, full-arch dental implants have emerged as a transformative solution for individuals who have multiple missing teeth or are facing full upper or lower tooth loss. Traditional dental implants have been widely used for years to replace a single missing tooth. However, if multiple or all teeth are missing, a more comprehensive solution is required, and this is where full-arch dental implants step in.

Understanding Full-Arch Dental Implants

Full-arch dental implants are a type of restorative dentistry treatment that replaces an entire arch of missing teeth, either on the upper or lower jaw. As opposed to conventional dentures, which rest on the gums and can be removed, full-arch dental implants are fixed into the jawbone, offering a more stable and natural feel.

Benefits Over Dentures

Full-arch dental implants present several benefits over dentures. First, they reduce the time and surgical procedures involved in replacing multiple teeth. Rather than replacing each missing tooth with an individual implant, just 4 dental implants can support an entire arch of teeth. Also, they do not need surrounding teeth for support.

Second, they provide a permanent, non-removable solution, unlike dentures. This means there are no worries about the denture slipping or clicking while talking or eating.

If you are considering full-arch dental implants, consult with a dental professional to understand if this innovative solution is the right fit for your dental needs.

Dental implants involve a surgical procedure, and like any surgical intervention, there can be some discomfort involved. However, dentists use local anaesthesia during the procedure to numb the area, which significantly reduces any immediate pain. Post-procedure discomfort varies from person to person. Some individuals might experience minor swelling, bruising, or discomfort in the days following the procedure, but these symptoms are usually manageable with over-the-counter painkillers.

Furthermore, dental professionals take a proactive approach to managing any potential discomfort. Post-operative care instructions are provided, which typically include guidelines on pain management, oral hygiene practices, and dietary restrictions. Within a few days to a week, most people return to their regular routines.

Remember, the transient discomfort experienced after the implant procedure is often outweighed by the long-term benefits of dental implants, such as restored oral functionality and improved aesthetics of one’s smile. Always consult with a dental professional to discuss any concerns or questions you may have regarding the procedure.

The duration of dental implant surgery varies depending on several factors, including the number of implants needed, the patient’s oral health, and whether or not any preliminary procedures, such as extractions or bone grafts, are required. Generally, placing a single implant may take between 1-2 hours. If multiple implants are being placed, or if the procedure is more complex, it can take several hours or be spread across multiple appointments. Following implant placement, a healing period of several months is typically needed for the implant to properly fuse with the jawbone before the final prosthetic tooth can be attached.


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